英語ケシマスアローン 英単語に変換するブロック落としゲーム

by SmartApp.inc



[Introduction]Choose from the prepared letters and correct your English. It is a game that aims to erase everything by answering the English reading and spelling. Issues will be added regularly.[Clearing conditions]Clearing all squares at the top automatically clears them.【Method of operation】① Select from the characters at the top by tracing "Left → Right" or "Up → Down"② When you finish tracing, the input screen will appear below. Enter the katakana for “reading” and the alphabet for “spelling” for the selected character.③If you enter a character, it will be judged pass / fail④ If it matches, the traced characters will disappear and the characters above will fall down⑤Erasing characters on the screen like this⑥ If you get stuck, try again⑦ If the reading or spelling is correct but the answer is not correct, please apply from the top page.